Thursday, April 14, 2011

Lately I've been hideously busy with life in the disguise of work and writing. Lately, though... I have been feeling like I'm currently in SYSTEM FAILURE MODE. I can't tell if the worst is over and I am preparing to re-attempt the productivity... or if I am about to succumb to some terrible breakdown. I also stole this brilliant diagram. I wanted to reference the owner! But as I saved it to my USB long ago I have no idea who the creater is... Enlighten me if you will! I am listening to jazz at 1.37am and trying to decide whether or not the noises coming from under the haus are worth worrying about. Tonight was supposed to be an early night. I have work in the morning. Then I am applying for a job on a boat. A BOAT. Then it is to Pancake Manor before retiring to a party. There are too many dresses on my bed so I can't sleep. I need to buy coathangers. I need a walk-in wardrobe. Or not. Maybe I need to take off my work shoes and walk in the hinterland with the wind in my hair. *** That red dress I wanted from Pushing Daisies?!

Well, I like to think this was a nice effort. It's similar, don't you think? P.s This photograph of me was taken at the wedding of the lovely couple who live in a Doll Haus.

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