Sunday, January 2, 2011

Tim Ferguson is hot.

I don't know if you've heard of the Doug Anthony All Stars, but if not, you are being DEPRIVED.
I, of course being the n00b I am, only investigated them last night after being sent direct links to their hilarious videos. But before then, I would just hear about them, like one of those secret clubs I am not in.

They're totally a hoot.

As if being a hoot isn't enough, there is a "hot Tim Ferguson" in the trio. You'll see the subtle circle I have drawn around him on the above image. ^

Tim Ferguson is the classic "random funny guy I automatically get a crush on and want to show off to the world and marry and meet and get posters of for my wall-etc"

Here are some pictures for your viewing pleasure. You're welcome.
Obviously, none of the pictures are mine. I am not the paparazzi.
Anyway, they're proper funny, you should watch their videos! (See blog entry below this one)


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